Are you looking for a reliable compositing option in Chicago? We have research and tried a bunch of options and these are the options we recommend. Happy composting!
Plant Chicago
This is our first choice for composting. Composting is free here! However, it is free because Plant Chicago has worked really hard to get grants to pay for the composting. Did you know composting is not free is Chicago anymore?
While you stop in to drop off your compost, you can visit some venders at their market or buy a local produce box. We love our weekend trips to Plant Chicago!

El Paseo Community Garden
El Paseo Community Garden has a composting option that we think is perfect if you live near Pilsen or have little kids. The compost program at El Paseo is a paid to use program since the city ordinance changed, however it is worth it because of the amenities at the park. They have plenty of picnic tables, gardens, open land, and scheduled programing at the park!

Block Bins
Block bins are the most convenient way to compost in the city of Chicago. Fern and Olive have used Block Bins from time to time. The nice thing is that it is a month by month payment, so you can sign up or cancel at anytime. Block Bins are in most neighborhoods in Chicago and take requests for bin locations.

I’m based in the UK and where I live, our compost is collected once a week to encourage us to do more of it!
Awesome post! I love all the efforts Chicago is making!
Thanks for sharing! I didn’t know composting wasn’t free in Chicago. You are providing such a wonderful resource for people looking into composting. El Paseo Community Garden looks great too, it looks festive and fun.
What a great way to care for your community! This is something we should do in my area. This is inspiring. Thank you for sharing!